Cardboard Citizens

In 2017, we awarded £30,000 towards the refurbishment of a theatre building in London.


Cardboard Citizens has been making life-changing theatre with and for homeless people for more than 25 years – theatre that makes a real and positive difference to society and those living on its margins. Performances encourage communities to come together, telling stories, raising awareness, and finding solutions to the changes we face in our lives through theatre performed on the stage, in the street, in hostels, centres, and prisons.

The Cardboard Citizens programme of workshops, training, and performance helps to develop the skills, qualifications, and confidence of hundreds of homeless people every year.

At a national level, in partnership with leading homelessness agencies and theatre companies, Cardboard Citizens shows a hidden Britain to all who care to look.

Building refurbishment project

Cardboard citizens are committed to provide a holistic, ‘wraparound’ service to their beneficiaries and members, and developed their refurbishment project to continue to build on and enhance provision in this way. The project included the addition of black out capability so activities such as a regular film club could be offered; acoustic treatment and installation of lighting, audio and seating equipment to provide a professional space for rehearsals and performance and; IT equipment to provide members with access to computers for educational courses and workshops. Cardboard Citizens had not yet raised any funds towards the £30,000 project at the time of their application. A grant of £30,000 was awarded.

Image: A Cardboard Citizens production, featuring Citz Member, Richard. Courtesy of Sam Melish Photography. 

"If you'd asked me where I'd be at 18 months ago, having a job was a distant dream...But here I am, a ward visitor in a mental health hospital, helping people put their lives back together. Thank you, Cardboard Citizens, for giving me this chance – it's been life-changing in so many ways."

Richard, Cardboard Citizens service user.
