
We do not fund non-capital costs. Items which we consider to be non-capital include:

  • Salaries and overheads
  • Volunteer expenses
  • Training
  • Rent
  • Costs associated with the lease of property or equipment
  • Professional fees
  • Marketing/literature/leaflets
  • Equipment for one-off use, or which will be given to service users for personal use on a permanent basis
  • One-off events

Types of organisations we do not fund:

  • Organisations who have received a grant offer from us within the last five years (unless they have been specifically invited to reapply).
  • Organisations that promote a particular religion or only provide services to people of a particular religion.
  • Organisations who have had an application declined in the last six months (please note: you cannot reapply for the same project if it has been declined).
  • Those with over £10 million income per annum.
  • Those with over 12 months of reserves.
  • Those that primarily provide services to other organisations – sometimes described 'second tier' or 'infrastructure' organisations. For example, a CVS (council for voluntary service) or membership group would not be eligible (unless they also provide direct or front-line services, and the project they are applying for specifically relates to that part of their delivery).
  • Hospices and NHS charities.
  • Grant-making organisations.
  • Schools, colleges or universities – unless their students are exclusively individuals with physical and/or learning disabilities (e.g. special schools). Please note: we do not fund PRUs (pupil referral units) or Alternative Provision providers.
  • Almshouses.
  • Retrospective projects (ie, we do not award funding for projects that have already been completed).

Types of projects we do not fund:

  • Applications for a project which we have previously declined (please note: organisations can reapply for a different project after six months)
  • Medical research or equipment
  • Consumables such as clothes, food, sports kits and stationery
  • Setting up/refurbishment of charity shops
  • General appeals and emergency appeals
  • Political projects
  • Heritage projects
  • Arts and education projects unless they work exclusively with individuals from our programme areas